Maple Syrup Production

2019 Maple Season Updates

Still not the best season. When looking at the log we can see that last year I pulled the taps, while this year we are only half way though at best. Grabbed another 20 gallons of sap today. Not great. Not horrible, but not great considering there is 50 taps total.

The weather has been very cold for a long time. Now that it is starting to warm up and the sun is going higher, we are being hit with a lot of incoming storms, so low pressure (no sap run) followed by high winds (no sap run) so we take what little we get.

The good news is that the sap is holding at 2% sugar. A little less than last year, but better than many were getting and probably are getting.

I’m keeping my RO at a concentrate of 5% sugar to 8% sugar. I find that waiting the extra time for the 8% sugar is worth it to me and far far less boiling.

Right now I’ve produced just shy of 3 gallons of maple syrup, with another half gallon of finished product sitting as concentrate waiting to be boiled.

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