
The Chicken Wrangler

There is this construction site just down the road where a new home is being erected.  Apparently some fine upstanding citizen decided that that was a perfect place to dump a flock of chickens.  A kind neighbor alerted me to them as he saw them and thought they were mine and they just got loose.

My birds were safely tucked away inside their coop.

So I spent a very rainy Sunday day rounding up chickens.

Now for those folks who have never had to round up chickens, it is akin to herding kittens with a broom.  They all scatter and you’re lucky to get just one.

I was eventually able to get five out of the six.  I spent far too much time looking for the last one but could not find her.

The new residents seem to be getting along and the current occupants.  The freshly caught birds were very happy for food and water.

Brown’s Home for Wayward Chickens is now at full capacity.

PS:  Everyone is healthy and doing fine.

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