
What’s with all the Non-Prime Amazon Prime Lately?

Ordering for Christmas this past week. Bought a bunch of items that were prime. I don’t get it in two days, I get it in two weeks. The heck?

Just so you know I’m not pulling your leg. I ordered this for my kid:

Record player that has blue tooth so it can go to her speaker. Great!

Amazon prime! Two days! Great! Right?

Well, I got it in two days…

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But I ordered it three weeks ago!!!

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So what the actual Amazon prime. Why do I have prime anyhow?

I’m pretty sure I’m going to not renew my prime. I don’t see the point anymore nor do I really need to have something in two days. Apparently they think I can wait, and I’ve learned that yes I can. It’s why I don’t wait until the last second to get something.

So goodbye Prime and your false advertising.

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