Blog,  Winnipesaukee

Winnipesaukee Relaxing

Spent some time up at the lake, fishing, swimming and watching sunsets.

Not to get all mushy, but watching the sunsets was actually a very relaxing and enjoyable event. Even during the height of the July weekends (tourist time) the lake was quite empty when the sun was going down.

We would make our way out into the “broads” (the middle of the lake), cut the motor and just let the wind catch the boat broad-side and we would gently drift. Only because the wind caught us I knew we were drifting, but otherwise, no discernable movement was noticed. Even when jumping off the boat in 100+ feet of water, the force of your feet pushing against the boat would move it more than the wind.

Cat is getting a little red

Another time out I took my daughter out fishing. She absolutely loves fishing. She’s not big on the bait, nor on taking the fish off the hook, but she has some technique (or better luck than I) where she seems to catch them every third cast of the line…. Worms or Lure, doesn’t matter.

Everything from Mr. Puny
Catching Bass so big I can’t put my hand around it

For fishing spots, I actually highly recommend “fish island”. I know it sounds a little cliche, but the shallow waters and large rocks make for a great hiding spot for some of the smaller sized fish. Probably won’t be many keepers for those of you looking to score the big catch, but for a kid who just loves to catch them, this was a perfect place!

Playing Off The Lake

On another sunset cruise outing, but well before the sun went down, we hit Weirs beach. Just the wife and myself, so what better thing to do than go to Anthony’s Pier and play skeeball!

Game on! Skee Ball on Anthony’s Pier

We played side-by-side a la competition to see whom would get the higher score. We were evenly matched, but she may have had a drink or two in her already.

The tickets were piling up. We could smell victory as we walked up to the counter to cash in these tickets. There was a stuffed horse Cat was determined to win. We amassed more than enough. Satisfied with our horse, the lady behind the counter kept pressuring us to pick out more as we had more to “spend” she kept telling us.

So spend we did! Until only a handful of tickets where even those wouldn’t buy us a Swedish fish was all that were left.

Our winnings!

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