Maple Syrup Production

Still Boiling

Winter decided it wasn’t over and a cold snap came back through issuing a cease and desist on all sap running for a time.

It was nice to have the reprieve as work has kept me busy and the wife was out of town for a work conference.

I did get another 35 gallons (only at 1% sugar content) which I ran through the RO to get it ~ 5%

I hopped into Ghetto Sap House Version 3.0 ( 2.0 crashed and burned ) and fired up the burner!

Sap house 3.0
12 x 12 make shift sap house
In the Finisher

Somewhere along the line I decided that it was the perfect time and temperature to light up a cigar, so I did.

Long cigar for a long night

Next Week is looking promising in regards to the weather and the sap running again.

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