Welcome to Mission Exploration, and thanks for stopping by.
Glad you found this site! I’ve always been someone that loves adventure and loves to continuously learn. I’ll see something new and decide that I’d like to know how to do that. A prime example would be ice boating. Saw a YouTube video and was convinced that I had to try. Before you knew it, I already owned an ice boat but had no idea how to even set it up yet. Now you can catch me cruising across a frozen lake!
A little history: I’ve always loved adventure, travel, and new experiences. I received my scuba diving certification before I was 12 – as a friend and I had an idea about diving for sunken treasure. Received my dive masters by the time I was 18. Dove at most of the islands in the Caribbean and cave diving in Mexico.
Took to sailing immediately as a teenager which led to me spending summers sailing around the BVIs.
I picked up programming out of college. Wrote a portal and forum code that was very popular at the time, especially back when not every server had MySQL installed. Odd to think about today, but it’s true.
Today? I’m retired early in my 40’s and seeking adventures.
Have a question or even a suggestion? Please feel free to drop me a line on the contact page.
Thank you for staying and hope you enjoy!