Scuba Diving

Air Line Model 260 Hookah

I used to be an avid scuba diver. Received my dive masters at age 18 and had been all around the Caribbean, spending many a summer there sailing and diving. The cold waters of New Hampshire and even colder ocean waters both with minimal visibility will keep your diving log uncreased and empty.

That hasn’t stopped me from actually diving at Lake Winnipesaukee, or trying other ways to explore, yet this item on eBay caught my eye.

It was an Air Line Hookah. It is simply put: A floating air compressor that pumps air down to you allowing you to dive up to 70 feet. It’s probably loud and obnoxious, but saw it on eBay and kept an eye on it.

They will sell new at roughly $2600, I was able to pick this up at ~ $900.

Now a smarter person would probably take this as a win, turn around and resell it and double their money. I should be able to get $1800 for it all day long since it is new enough to still be under warranty.

But no, I am not that man. I have a perfectly good scuba license and can probably rent a tank for $10, but I’m going to try this instead. I don’t actually have it yet, showing up on Monday. Hopefully a better report and photos then.

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