Evenings on the lake are some of the most enjoyable times. The lake becomes quiet. All the boaters go in, the renters head in for 5 o’clock supper, the people who trailered in the boats need to go home… The waves die down to a whisper along with any wind. You can count on one hand the number of boats left out there. Tons of privacy, quiet, and relaxation as you just float in the broads, maybe jump in the water, have a glass of wine, and just watch the sun set.

There is always time for me to have a cigar on the boat. I’ve really taken to watching the sunset and having a cigar.

As we waited for the sun to set we had time to catch up on our day, commiserate about the 13 mile hike we took in the Ossippee range, and drink a little bit more.
The sky shown all its evening colors for us

We put up the boat lights and heading in just before it got too dark to see. Another great night on the lake.