• Digital Privacy

    GrapheneOS For My SmartPhone

    I’m an Apple fan to start. My first computer was an Apple and that Mac Classic still holds fond memories for me. Went to college using my Mac Performa with a 2400 baud modem. The entire family owns apple phones, watches, ipads, and even use mac air laptops. So deviating from this being a huge change is an understatement. Prior to my apple phone I was a Blackberry fan, so I can be flexible. I’ll give this a year and see how it goes. What I Did I just ordered my Pixel 4 off of ebay with the GrapheneOS installed. I will run that with Mint Mobile – get a…

  • Money

    Removing Amazon Prime From My Life

    Well, I did it. I went in and deleted Amazon Prime. Gone. No more of the days of getting something next day air for free. It was a fun experiment, but I’ve grown old with paying $100+ (about $120 as of this post) a year so I can get something I really didn’t need the next day or two. I see it at friend’s houses. Unopened packages. Sure they got it quick, but did they REALLY need it that fast? Would their lives have been irreparably impacted if they had to wait a few more days? I’m not a fan of Amazon and will shop around but when I can…

  • Blog,  Pipe Smoking,  Pipes

    Always Time for a Pipe

    Enjoying a Kaywoodie pipe tonight some tobacco I have packed away but neglected to keep the name. Winter is a great time of year to make the switch. The room is colder and the pipes are a quicker smoke with less of that pungent after smell that cigar smoke is well known to emit the next day. The pipe tobacco has also aged an extra year allowing it to mellow out even more so I can’t wait to taste and enjoy

  • Blog

    Red Sky At Morning

    I remember my Grandfather teaching me a saying: Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning! We used to spend many weeks durning the summer with my grandparents. Probably a great excuse to get us kids out of the house. We never saw it that way, we just enjoyed our time up at the lake. There was this camp my grandfather would caretake for an older lady in his neighborhood. She never went, so it was more-or-less our camp. Bought a new fridge, stove, painted the camp, re-shingled it, etc, etc. In return, we spent as much time there was we wished. And not just…

  • Curling

    Another Thursday Night Curling

    Thursday nights are for the boys around here. When the weather turns cold, we leave the comfort of the cigar room and hit the ice for our own redneck version of curling. This is where we will spend 3 to 4 hours outside in 10 degree weather, having a couple cigars, couple of drinks and making up rules as we go along. First team to 11 wins. No one is scoring? Fine, first one to three wins. We just try and keep it moving and fun. Teams get switched up, people judge if a stone is in or out. Nothing serious comes out of it, just a great time together.