• Digital Privacy

    Strictly No Junk Emails

    Now that I have changed all my emails – Made a post here about that, I’m now seeing a plethora of junk emails filling up my inbox. Granted, most are emails I actually did sign up for and they are related to products I once purchased, but noticed I’m getting promotions and sale items weekly or even more showing up and clogging up my inbox. Enough!! I’m unsubscribing from everything. Even from the products I like. Why so? I figure that if I liked their product so much, I’ll still go back and buy from them. It will also force me to buy from them only when I need it…

  • Running

    Ran My First 5K in Years

    I haven’t run in years. At least not at any officially sanctioned event. I’ll jog on the trails with my dog and it is quite enjoyable, but I haven’t stepped foot on a road course in a long time. So I told the wife I’ll run with her at the next event. I’ll take the dog since he likes coming with me and we can give it a try again. Of course she was giddy since I used to do it all the time 15 years ago, so it reminded her of the old days when I would tag along. Did I mention it was single digits outside? We also…

  • Blog,  Digital Privacy

    Deleted Instagram

    I stopped using instagram a year ago right after the Christmas season. I honestly didn’t mind it and originally thought it was a great way for people to follow their favorite products and people. Basically a way to say: Yes! Please send me advertisements. Then came the ads. Then instagram thought the best way to monetize it was to put up an ad after every third post. Okay, but at least my friends are still posting. Then they stopped posting. My friends went quiet… It wasn’t like I was gathering a giant following since I wasn’t selling anything. What I posted I could easy just text friends… So what was…

  • Blog,  Digital Privacy

    Get Yourself an RSS Feed Reader

    RSS – A truly hidden and forgotten gem. It stands for Real Simple Syndication and was created back in the infancy of the web. Back when trackers were not a thing and delivering 30 different advertisements on a page was not a thing. It harkens back to the days when you checked your email once a week and you wanted to keep up with 20 or so webpages, but quickly. RSS feeds will allow you to take back your life and stop wasting time on the internet. I hope we can revive this long forgotten technology. It would seem to me that the two biggest barriers is finding a reader…

  • Cigar Reviews,  Cigars

    Padron Cigars – The Diplimatico

    Ah Padron, what can I say that hasn’t already been said. You are my favorite brand and hands down my favorite cigar. Fuente’s Opus X is good. Don’t get me wrong. They are good… But if I could have a humidor filled with Padron cigars… Ok, let me rephrase that: If I could afford a humidor filled with Padron cigars, I would do so and never look back. Today’s selection is one of their longest cigars: The Diplomatico. At a length of 7″ and a gauge of 50, this cigar is an all-nighter. Smooth and even smoke with no hint of profile or flavor change all the way down to…