• Curling

    Curling 2022 is On!

    Every year a neighbor in our hood sets up a curling rink. It’s not official by any means, and we don’t actually have “stones”, but we make it work. These are our home made stones which are simply put, two salad bowls slipped together, filled with cement and a pipe fitting handle put on, wrapped with a sliced garden hose as a bumper and lots of duct tape. … And they work! Making the circles? A nail and string scour the edge and then filled with food coloring. It’s basic, but works just fine for us. This is the quintessential if you build it they will come example. Have I…

  • Fitness,  Fitness Progress

    Taking Back My Fitness

    Somewhere in the second half of last year, I fell off the fitness wagon, and gained back most of the weight I lost two year back. I’ve thought about eating better, always had good excuses as to why I wasn’t, but for the past two weeks I’ve thrown all the excuses out, I’m tracking my calories through the “MyPlate” app, and doing my weight lifting program. I’ve been sticking to it semi strictly last week, and full on strict this week. Very low carbs. I find that’s just what works for me. To break it down so far this week: Breakfast Coffee and Cream Two egg bites Total calories: 323…

  • Maple Syrup Production

    Ordering Supplies for Maple Season 2022

    Honestly, I’m not really feeling it this year. I need to order some filter cones and paper for finishing the syrup. Just checked my supplies and I’m low on the pre-filter paper, and completely out on the main filter cloth. My pop-up tent was destroyed last year in a storm, so need a new one of those for ghetto sugar shack 4.0 I believe it will be numbered this year. I’m good on barrels I believe. Have one for finishing and one for sap, just need to double check if I should order a new one. Have the burner ready and the tap into my house for unlimited propane supply.…

  • Blog

    Post A Day 2022

    So many posts I have started and failed to publish. Oh my…. Just looking at all my unpublished posts all the way back to 2018. Since it is the new year, I’m going to resolve myself to publishing a post a day! Been good at it so far, just would like to keep it up. Still going to revolve around my travels and adventures, fitness, money, and my photography passion that has grown immensely over the last year. Stick around!

  • Blog,  Cigar Room

    Relaxing with Vintage Music

    After building my Cigar Room, I was looking for some additional decor we could keep in the room to complete it aesthetically. One of the items was a vintage radio. Not just any Vintage Radio, but one that was old, but had been modernized. In steps Old Man’s Workshop, on etsy. He takes old radios, removes the guts, and adds in a bluetooth electronic board. The radio then plugs into the wall and is always on, and always ready for a blue tooth connection. I get into the cigar room, connect to the radio, and turn on some classics. I mean, just look at that radio! One of the knobs…