• Blog

    Adding a Second Rental

    After purchasing a new house in Virginia a couple years ago, we find ourselves with one house too many. Two is manageable. Three is just silly and one doesn’t get visited. Last year solidified that. We stayed at the lake house for a total of two times. That’s it! We went to the lake often to go out on the boat and since home is only an hour away, we didn’t find the need to stay at the lake house. We just used it as a place we would deposit our clothes and dry out towels. At first I was very hesitant to do anything with it. Our current cost…

  • Blog

    Just Wanted a Beer

    So what happened is: I went to crack open the beer and of course it just didn’t open. I hit it with the backside of my knife (the part that breaks car windows) and it wasn’t going down. So I used the knife to pry it up (I really wanted that beer!!!) and this is what I saw.

  • 35mm,  Photography

    I Finally Found the Appeal to Black and White Film

    I just never understood it. Why use black and white when you can have color! Kodachrome!!!! As the song goes. I’ve been in love with color film from the start. The challenge and complexity dragged me in kicking and screaming yet I loved every moment of it. I have never even shot film in black and white. I was given a roll of illford HP4 and it sat with the rest of my film and it collected dust as the others came and went. It was the grandpappy of my film collection. I finally relented and put a roll into my Canonet G3 QL17 and fired off 24 shots. Most…

  • 35mm,  Blog,  Photography

    The Difference

    The difference between the novice and the master is that the master has failed more times than the novice has tried. Very poignant. I try to keep this in mind when shooting film lately. I have screwed up a few more rolls of film. I have taken some good shots and also been stumped on what to shoot next. I’m off to give myself some assignments and shoot ideas and just get out there and take some rolls of film. I need to keep on taking the bad photographs, experimenting with developing, and screwing up before I can fully master the craft.

  • Winnipesaukee

    Paddleboarding with Deer

    Yesterday evening the Mrs and I spent the last hours of sunlight on the water. She was out playing with her new Paddleboard toy and putting in a couple miles on the water paddling around the islands and in the island coves when all of a sudden two deer dive into the water. It was a mother and her unusually young fawn for this time of year following after her. Swimming from one island to another island in the middle of the lake. This topped off what was already an amazing evening!