With winter cold coming quick and my cigar out building not being big enough for the friends and neighbors that drop by for cigars once a week, it was time to build something bigger.
I originally wanted a larger out building but that was going to take time and was going to be more than I really needed.
I opted for using the upper part of my garage that was just storage. 12 x 36 feet in all.
By partitioning it I could still keep some storage, and have a nice space I could enclose and heat to use as a cigar room. The cigar room itself would be 12 x 18‘
While it’s not huge, it should be plenty a room for five or six people.
Today I put up the wall and placed the door where it’s going to go.
Tomorrow we run to electrical lines up, one for the heater, and the other for the outlets. And also install most of the shiplap for the walls and Pergo for the floors.
It will be insulated around 60% as the knee walls will be hard to insulate and really not needed for the limited amount of time we plan on using it.

I’m outside on my deck right now enjoying a cigar with my dog napping on the couch.
Trying to enjoy what’s left of any semblance of warm weather.
Will keep posted. I hope this goes quick!