• Around the House,  Blog

    Farm to Table – Just a Saying?

    Or can people really practice what they tell the rest of us to do? I’ve slowly been moving to purchasing local, fresh food and utilizing better menu planning. Yes, it costs more up front, but I wonder if I will save money over the long run? I started by purchasing a side of beef. Grass fed and grass finished, at a local-ish farm only a state away from me. Heartstonefarm.me I found them by looking on the internet for grass fed beef. Lots of places will sell you an expensive steak, but these folks were willing to sell 1/4 shares all the way up to the entire cow. I recently…

  • Around the House,  Gardening

    Apple Trees

    I purchased a few apple trees from Gurneys this winter for delivery in the spring.  They came far far too early, I ended up potting them and storing them in my garage, and one of them is still a stick.  I call it my stick.  While the other two apple trees have budded and shown leaves and the cherry tree finally sprouted leaves, my gala apple tree is just a lowly stick.       A few days ago I was perusing around my local large box store for some gardening supplies.  I look over in their plant section and what do I see?  Giant 10 to 12 foot apple…

  • Around the House

    Building a Brick Walkway – Part 1

    Part 1? Oh, I’ll get to that… So I prepped the site last year to get it ready for a brick walkway. I have access to this “old” brick and it looks great against my white house. I also want to make a patio off to the right of the walk way. Since the grass area slopes down I dug out and down the walkway so I could make it more even – and less work in the long run for me. I used these boards as gauges when building the walkway and they work out great: Got it all done in a day I made a few alignment adjustments…