• 35mm,  Blog,  Photography

    The Difference

    The difference between the novice and the master is that the master has failed more times than the novice has tried. Very poignant. I try to keep this in mind when shooting film lately. I have screwed up a few more rolls of film. I have taken some good shots and also been stumped on what to shoot next. I’m off to give myself some assignments and shoot ideas and just get out there and take some rolls of film. I need to keep on taking the bad photographs, experimenting with developing, and screwing up before I can fully master the craft.

  • 35mm,  Blog,  Photography

    Burned Looking Film

    I just developed my latest roll of film and it came out burnt looking. It really is the best way to describe it. What happened was that one side of the film got caught in the camera or in the developing wheel (I used a lab box, not a manual spooling method) and with the bent over end it did not spool correctly. This left the film touching itself and sticking to itself so the developer liquid could not contact the surface to correctly develop the film. This is that result. Many good shots were lost, but a few were salvaged and have that interesting light leak look. To avoid…

  • Blog

    Quick Theme Change and Updates

    The old site was outdated and viewing was too slow. Wanted to simplify things to keep the site’s pace moving quick and uploading and publishing for me easier so I would keep it up. Should have everything where I want it by next week.

  • Blog,  Retirement

    My Last Paycheck

    Sometime ago the business was sold. I stayed on a year beyond my stated contract because I loved what I did. I really did not see myself leaving, but I found myself leaving the state more and more and not being able to run a company to be best of my abilities. I was willing to step down from CEO to a sales position, but that was just not going to work out either. So I announced my replacement, and stayed on until my replacement told me to just take off, he had It. So I did. It coincided with my knee surgery, so that made for an easier transition.…