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    Knee Problems

    Just saw a doctor about my knee… Looks like I tore the miniscus back in the fall with a small tear and over worked it this spring on some road races and made a small tear into a big tear. MRI next week I hope (they should call me early next week to schedule it) and then surgery. Overall knees are good with no spurs or arthritis. Just need to fix this so I can get back outside and working out again.

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    Use Cash More Often

    It’s a new month and I’m going to make a point this March to use cash more often. First thing is to check my emergency cash stash at home. I try and keep $2000 at home for such emergencies. We live in an area where we can get ice storms and have the power out in our surrounding area for a week. No power, no internet, no atm and no debit cards. So having that cash on hand for emergencies is key. That and paying the cleaning service when we forget to have money on hand. That’s fine, but I want to start making a point to use cash at…

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    New Camera!

    Not much to report…. Just picked up a new to me Nikon D5600 It’s about 5 years old, so new to me, and a big upgrade from my D60 that I’ve had for 15+ years. Can’t wait to take some photos with it

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    My New Favorite Show

    There is a show on Netflix called “Meat Eater” and I just can’t get enough of it. It’s a hunting show, and before this, I’ve never watched one. First and foremost the places and scenery are just amazing and that truly amounts for 2/3’s of the show. About 5 minutes is the actual taking down of the animal and butchering… Leaving nothing to the imagination, so not for the squeamish! Then the last bit is cooking and how to prepare the game. Fantastic stuff. Currently the dog and I just sit and watch the show on the couch but the show has me back wanting to go hunting again. I…