• Blog,  Pipe Smoking,  Pipes

    Always Time for a Pipe

    Enjoying a Kaywoodie pipe tonight some tobacco I have packed away but neglected to keep the name. Winter is a great time of year to make the switch. The room is colder and the pipes are a quicker smoke with less of that pungent after smell that cigar smoke is well known to emit the next day. The pipe tobacco has also aged an extra year allowing it to mellow out even more so I can’t wait to taste and enjoy

  • Blog

    Red Sky At Morning

    I remember my Grandfather teaching me a saying: Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning! We used to spend many weeks durning the summer with my grandparents. Probably a great excuse to get us kids out of the house. We never saw it that way, we just enjoyed our time up at the lake. There was this camp my grandfather would caretake for an older lady in his neighborhood. She never went, so it was more-or-less our camp. Bought a new fridge, stove, painted the camp, re-shingled it, etc, etc. In return, we spent as much time there was we wished. And not just…

  • Blog,  Digital Privacy

    Deleted Instagram

    I stopped using instagram a year ago right after the Christmas season. I honestly didn’t mind it and originally thought it was a great way for people to follow their favorite products and people. Basically a way to say: Yes! Please send me advertisements. Then came the ads. Then instagram thought the best way to monetize it was to put up an ad after every third post. Okay, but at least my friends are still posting. Then they stopped posting. My friends went quiet… It wasn’t like I was gathering a giant following since I wasn’t selling anything. What I posted I could easy just text friends… So what was…

  • Blog,  Digital Privacy

    Get Yourself an RSS Feed Reader

    RSS – A truly hidden and forgotten gem. It stands for Real Simple Syndication and was created back in the infancy of the web. Back when trackers were not a thing and delivering 30 different advertisements on a page was not a thing. It harkens back to the days when you checked your email once a week and you wanted to keep up with 20 or so webpages, but quickly. RSS feeds will allow you to take back your life and stop wasting time on the internet. I hope we can revive this long forgotten technology. It would seem to me that the two biggest barriers is finding a reader…

  • Blog

    Post A Day 2022

    So many posts I have started and failed to publish. Oh my…. Just looking at all my unpublished posts all the way back to 2018. Since it is the new year, I’m going to resolve myself to publishing a post a day! Been good at it so far, just would like to keep it up. Still going to revolve around my travels and adventures, fitness, money, and my photography passion that has grown immensely over the last year. Stick around!