• Camping

    Camping Gear – Lessons Learned on What to Bring

    On the prior post: To Canada and Back, a Spring Road Trip, I wrote about my paintball trip and the cold weather. We knew the cold/high wind/rain/snow/downright miserable weather was coming, so those of us that went packed accordingly. I over packed. Now keep in mind, this was just purely simple car camping and I was able to bring a ton more gear than I normally would, but as I unpacked and cleaned, I kept a list of what I used and what I didn’t in the hopes that it would help me better prepare for the next adventure. So here’s my list: USED Tent Thermal Air Mat Gloves x…

  • Blog,  Camping,  Paintball

    To Canada and Back – Spring Road Trip

    This time of year a fair number of like minded paintball playing crazies like to make a trip to PRZ. It’s a paintball park/field located in Picton Ontario. It’s a long drive, followed by camping out, cold nights, paintball and mud, followed with regaling each other with the days’ adventure and stories book-ended with a long and tired ride back home. This year started off ominous with dire weather: High winds and freezing rain (in large amounts). Despite an internal debate and a fair amount of debating with each other about going, we (The four of us; Paul, Luke, Nish and myself) decided that the trip was going to be…