After building my Cigar Room, I was looking for some additional decor we could keep in the room to complete it aesthetically. One of the items was a vintage radio. Not just any Vintage Radio, but one that was old, but had been modernized. In steps Old Man’s Workshop, on etsy. He takes old radios, removes the guts, and adds in a bluetooth electronic board. The radio then plugs into the wall and is always on, and always ready for a blue tooth connection. I get into the cigar room, connect to the radio, and turn on some classics. I mean, just look at that radio! One of the knobs…
Well, completed as in built, but not fully furnished and dressed up. Very happy with the current outcome! Since the above photo, I’ve added a coffee table, rug, and another wingback chair to the room. Waiting on some more lighting that was ordered but not delivered. Also need to get a bar setup and shelving for the whiskey. I have a large whiskey barrel I want to find a way to keep in the corner. We have two heaters going that keeps the room very comfortable. T-shirt weather for sure. The filtration system works great and we just keep it on automatic. The HUGE addition was the ozone machine I…
Completed the wiring and stapling up the wire on the 2×4’s last night. Not real staples, the ones you’re supposed to use with wires to hold them in place. Had to do it twice regretfully, but it is done. Twice because I did not wire up the outlets correctly. Apparently I can’t read spanish. Who knew? I saw the word white and pointing down and the word that started with “Bl” and was hard to read and assumed it was the word Black. It wasn’t. It was the word “Blanco” which also means white. So instead of putting the black onto the hot side, I put them in the wrong…
The cigar room is getting closer to completion. In all honesty I did believe I would have it done by now, but time constraints have tied my hands – well, that and motivation to crank it out evening after evening after a long day of work. Despite the shortcomings, the eves and ceiling are now completed! I need to finish up the back wall with the window and go around and put silicone where I see gaps to help seal the room. Eventually a heavy coat of polyurethane, but it will need to really warm up for that. I feel a slight twinge of regret that I didn’t insulate the…
The construction of the 18 x 12 room started off quickly and continued onto Sunday. I added the shiplap onto the front of the wall and installed the door. Then I substantially cleaned up the place! You can also see in the above photo that I ran the electrical through the outlets, but do not have them hooked up yet. There will be two circuits in total. This way I can have the heater on one and the lights and filtration on the other. I originally was going to just keep the room raw, but now have talked myself into the more work of staining and polyurethane the walls and…