• Cigar Reviews,  Cigars

    Padron Cigars – The Diplimatico

    Ah Padron, what can I say that hasn’t already been said. You are my favorite brand and hands down my favorite cigar. Fuente’s Opus X is good. Don’t get me wrong. They are good… But if I could have a humidor filled with Padron cigars… Ok, let me rephrase that: If I could afford a humidor filled with Padron cigars, I would do so and never look back. Today’s selection is one of their longest cigars: The Diplomatico. At a length of 7″ and a gauge of 50, this cigar is an all-nighter. Smooth and even smoke with no hint of profile or flavor change all the way down to…

  • Cigar Reviews,  Cigars

    Enjoying a Punch Cigar

    Lately I’ve been getting into pipe smoking. I have acquired a few tins of tobacco, already more than one pipe, and a tongue bite to let me know I really don’t know what I’m doing yet. Taking a break from this new hobby I grabbed an old faithful punch cigar. Sat in my cigar room, lit the cigar and enjoyed. There’s something about a good cigar. It burns evenly, with a bright white ash. Smooth smoke with a slight (dare I say) leathery finish. The length is shorter than what I have been smoking, but it allows for a quicker (again, relative for me) smoke for when I may be…

  • Blog,  Cigar Reviews,  Cigars

    Cigar and Chicken Cock

    Poured myself two fingers of Chicken Cock (words I never thought I would say) grabbed an Excalibur and hit the deck. Suffered through a short sprinkle but was not deterred.  Been enjoying the longer smokes lately. Good pairing. The bourbon has a honey flavor to it and goes down smooth. The coffee notes of the cigar really come out with the bourbon.

  • Cigar Reviews,  Cigars

    Hoyo De Monterrey Excalibur Forge

    Flat out this has become one of my favorite cigars! Hoyo De Monterrey Excaliburs have a special place in my heart already due to it being the first cigar I ever smoked (beyond those swisher sweets) and the first cigar when I realized how HORRIBLE those Swisher Sweets actually were… I never turned back to have a bad cigar ever again. These “Forge” cigars are at another level. Dark, velvety, and a hint of chocolate round out this cigar. The filler is a mix of tobacco from both Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. The binder is Connecticut Habano The wrapper from Honduras. You truly are travelling the world while smoking…

  • Cigar Reviews

    Esteban Carreras Hellcat Cigar Review

    I have a love-hate relationship with cigar of the month clubs. What I love about them? Getting new cigars I never would have picked if I walked into a large humidor and saw them. My least favorite part? Getting new cigars. I know that sounds completely contradictory, and it is… The thing is, when I have time to go have a cigar I really really want to have a cigar I know I’m going to enjoy so I still overlook the random cigars I received. Go figure. So I thought it was time to dig in to my stash and try some new cigars. This was one of them and…