• Digital Privacy

    Strictly No Junk Emails

    Now that I have changed all my emails – Made a post here about that, I’m now seeing a plethora of junk emails filling up my inbox. Granted, most are emails I actually did sign up for and they are related to products I once purchased, but noticed I’m getting promotions and sale items weekly or even more showing up and clogging up my inbox. Enough!! I’m unsubscribing from everything. Even from the products I like. Why so? I figure that if I liked their product so much, I’ll still go back and buy from them. It will also force me to buy from them only when I need it…

  • Blog,  Digital Privacy

    Deleted Instagram

    I stopped using instagram a year ago right after the Christmas season. I honestly didn’t mind it and originally thought it was a great way for people to follow their favorite products and people. Basically a way to say: Yes! Please send me advertisements. Then came the ads. Then instagram thought the best way to monetize it was to put up an ad after every third post. Okay, but at least my friends are still posting. Then they stopped posting. My friends went quiet… It wasn’t like I was gathering a giant following since I wasn’t selling anything. What I posted I could easy just text friends… So what was…

  • Blog,  Digital Privacy

    Get Yourself an RSS Feed Reader

    RSS – A truly hidden and forgotten gem. It stands for Real Simple Syndication and was created back in the infancy of the web. Back when trackers were not a thing and delivering 30 different advertisements on a page was not a thing. It harkens back to the days when you checked your email once a week and you wanted to keep up with 20 or so webpages, but quickly. RSS feeds will allow you to take back your life and stop wasting time on the internet. I hope we can revive this long forgotten technology. It would seem to me that the two biggest barriers is finding a reader…

  • Blog,  Digital Privacy

    Removing Gmail and Google from my Life

    I had gmail from the beta version. I was young and dumb and was lured in by the word free and unlimited. Eventually it was no longer unlimited unless you wanted to pay, and it was never truly free. They just wanted your data and we freely gave it to them. If a service is free, you are the product. I’ve been moving everything that is meaningful to me over to proton mail: http://www.protonmail.com They have the shortened version “pm.me” It’s perfect. I also pay for it. I’m happy to do that too. I get all the great features of any email including spam filtering, and they give me 5…

  • Digital Privacy,  Investing

    Updated the Excel Sheet for Checking

    Please visit the original page here: https://www.missionexploration.com/basic-everyday-excel-checking-account-spreadsheet/ Move some of the columns around and added the ability to track your spending for the next 5 years. It’s simple, it’s straight forward and it works. I will always prefer manually keeping track vs online apps. For one, I control my information. The other main reason is that you actually SEE what you’re spending your money on, not just a total tally or lack there-of. It’s become too easy to just swipe a card or wave your phone over a sensor. The benefit is that it is quick and easy, the down side is that you far over spend… because… wait for…