• Geocaching,  Hiking

    Straightback Mountain to Mt. Anna loop.

    Another hike and another couple of mountains checked off our Belknap Range list! The parking for this hike was at the end of a dirt road. We parked and hiked a bit down what looked to be a service road. Yes, we were going down hill. Found an old metal sign along the way. It leveled out near a pond/swampy area that some beavers had overtaken and the water was flooded across the trail with no way to get across without taking off your shoes and wading through the water. Once on the other side the trail came to a T and the choice was left or right. To the…

  • Geocaching,  Hiking

    Hiking Pack Monadnock

    We spent this past Fourth of July hiking.  It was still during this last heat wave, but we had water and it was much cooler in the woods.  We decided to pick Pack Monadnock as it is also on our list of mountains to hike.  This one in particular is due to its Fire Tower on top and we can check it off on our Fire Tower Quest. You can find the mountain list here:  http://4000footers.com/list_towerquest.shtml We had already gone up Belknap Mountain to the fire tower there, so it was time to check another one off of our list. Panoramic view from up the Fire Tower   On the way down…

  • Blog,  Geocaching,  Hiking,  Winnipesaukee

    Memorial Day Weekend Hike

    Sunday the family decided it would be a good day to go for a hike.  By family I mean my wife.  I’m up for about anything and our daughter, well, she allows us to drag her along.  It started with a sour face but got better as the hike went on. Today we decided to hike up Belknap mountain. It is rated an Easy hike by the Family Hike page found here:  http://nhfamilyhikes.com/hikes.php?hike=Belknap%20Mountain But I call BS on that.   Is the trail challenging?  No.  I’ve been on hikes where I need both hands and feet.  This was a nice trail but the trail was straight up!  I was wiped out by…