• Blog,  Pipe Smoking,  Pipes

    Always Time for a Pipe

    Enjoying a Kaywoodie pipe tonight some tobacco I have packed away but neglected to keep the name. Winter is a great time of year to make the switch. The room is colder and the pipes are a quicker smoke with less of that pungent after smell that cigar smoke is well known to emit the next day. The pipe tobacco has also aged an extra year allowing it to mellow out even more so I can’t wait to taste and enjoy

  • Pipe Smoking,  Pipes

    Rolex Vest Pocket Pipe

    As part of my new addiction to pipe smoking and collecting both pipes and tobacco, I grabbed one of these pocket vest pipes. The stem can spin around and point inwards so it becomes and even more compact design. The bowl is small and oval shaped as to probably give a short quick smoke while out to dinner or a show. Needs some maintenance and smells as if it really needs a cleaning – probably been sitting in someone’s basement for far too long. I’m going to give this pipe a good cleaning, alcohol bath and polish and see how it comes out.