• Real Estate investing

    Purchasing a Rental Property

    So our first try at this fell through as I mentioned in a prior post This time, instead of a single family dwelling, I’ve decided to go with my gut and stop chasing every penny of profit and go with something I feel will be a good long term, no hassle purchase.  It’s a townhouse but in the historic district of a growing city nearby.  Brick, all redone, and looks amazing.  There is a nominal monthly fee, but that covers water, sewer, outdoor maintenance and plowing (We northerners need to take that into account). I made an offer for only a little under.  They actually had three showings the next…

  • Blog,  Chickens,  Real Estate investing

    Life Updates

    Where to start… Came home at lunch and saw the chickens just walking around the coop. Something got it again and well, the chickens got out of their run. Went down and only saw two of the 6. Then slowly they came out from hiding until they were all accounted for! No idea. The run fence was torn open, but my feisty chickens all lived. Promptly ran down to the hardware store and purchased more chicken fence and put it up. Also put up some rabbit fence. It was also needed. The house we put an offer in on for a rental fell through. They got a better offer. That’s…

  • Real Estate investing

    Why Are We Still Using Realtors?

    I’ve got a bone to pick. This has been bugging me for quite some time now.  Exactly why are we still using realtors?  I have found almost no use for them.  Now I bet there are some great people out there…  but I have yet to find one. In today’s age of online searching, photos, heck videos, exact locations, etc.  All a realtor is now is the person with the key to get inside. When we purchased our lake house a few years back, I had such high hopes for a realtor.  I couldn’t wait to get one.   Sure I looked all over zillow and realtor.com, but a realtor would…

  • Blog,  Money,  Real Estate investing

    And We’re Approved!

    Got the call today that we are approved to make that next, albeit nerve wracking, step towards purchasing an investment property.  We have our eye on one.  Said we would visit it last weekend.  We didn’t.  Maybe I’ll see if it’s still there this Saturday to go see.  If it is, maybe it was meant to be.   Regardless, I’m not out to buy something just to buy something… But I on the other hand I do what to buy something.  Hmmm…   This diversification of my current portfolio is going to lose me money in the short term.  I’ve sold stock to fund this purchase that has been up…

  • Real Estate investing

    Dipping My Toe into Real Estate Investing

    Today was the first step.  I filled out the pre-qualification for the loan.  Need to have that done first and foremost.  Next I have to go online and thaw my credit reports so they can do a hard pull.  Oh well, get ready for my credit to be knocked down a little due to that. I have a place/location in mind and a few houses in mind.  The numbers all work, not a ton of money, but the overall returns are good – and good diversification over the next 5 to 10 years. I’m thinking that buying the house will be the easy part.  Getting a renter and doing the…