• Snow Shoeing

    Snow Shoeing in a Storm

    On a day we were destined to receive 6 inches of snow, we bundled up and set out for a two mile hike. The trees were covered and so weren’t we. No stopping and enjoying hot chocolate this time, we were on the move. Our snow shoes worked as advertising and we easily broke new ground on the trail. The silence was everywhere except a faint blowing from a mother moose as she tried to call in her kids. We quietly circled around her and while we never actually saw her, she let us know she was there. We have a new neighbor that moved in from out of state…

  • Hiking,  Snow Shoeing

    Show Shoeing on a Trail Hike

    Had such fun yesterday going on a trail hike and blazing some trails with our snow shoes. Snow shoeing? Shoeing? Too many vowels in a row if you ask me, but I’ll go with it. But first, the snow shoes! Picked these up last year off of REI and they worked great at breaking the trail for the Mrs. I loaded up a small back pack with some home made hot chocolate, extra hats, gloves, and we hit the trail. My pack also carried poles at the ready but never needed to use them. Wasn’t sure what I needed so I over packed a little bit for our 2 1/2…