• Winnipesaukee

    Paddleboarding with Deer

    Yesterday evening the Mrs and I spent the last hours of sunlight on the water. She was out playing with her new Paddleboard toy and putting in a couple miles on the water paddling around the islands and in the island coves when all of a sudden two deer dive into the water. It was a mother and her unusually young fawn for this time of year following after her. Swimming from one island to another island in the middle of the lake. This topped off what was already an amazing evening!

  • Winnipesaukee

    Enjoying the Sunset

    Took a day to head out on the lake and enjoy what we could of the sunset. It was mostly overcast and cool and the clouds were heavily rolling in but I could tell that the west was staying clear so I made the decision to stay out until it went down and I’m so glad I did! Our patience was rewarded with a bright orange sky that looked as if it was on fire. The swirling clouds played with the sunlight and we just sat back and took it all in. It’s a couple days later now as I write this on my back deck, in the dark, dog…

  • Winnipesaukee

    Last Day on the Water

    All good things must come to an end and this year on the water was no exception. Had a great time on the boat, swimming, toasting, cigars, and relaxing. The last warm day was upon us. 77 degrees, sun, and mid-week. So we both left work early for a mid-day boat ride and sitting at one of our favorite spots. I opened up a new box of cigar and relaxed I’d love to post something more profound, as if some new revelation happened, but no… We just sat in the sun and got as much vitamin D as we could until the sun went down behind the horizon. The view…

  • Winnipesaukee

    Last Swimming Weather of the Year

    Decided to sneak out on a Saturday Evening to get out on the lake and enjoy what might be some of the last warm weather of the year. The water was still warm enough to swim. The kind of water that was cold when you first touch it, but your body becomes used to it and eventually it feels warm. That was this night. We anchored out around Fish island and I was able to do a little fishing – Not one bite sadly. Eventually we relaxed with a couple of drinks And sat back and watched the sunset As the temperature dropped, we would don our sweatshirts and enjoy…

  • Winnipesaukee

    Another Lake Evening Sunset

    Evenings on the lake are some of the most enjoyable times. The lake becomes quiet. All the boaters go in, the renters head in for 5 o’clock supper, the people who trailered in the boats need to go home… The waves die down to a whisper along with any wind. You can count on one hand the number of boats left out there. Tons of privacy, quiet, and relaxation as you just float in the broads, maybe jump in the water, have a glass of wine, and just watch the sun set. There is always time for me to have a cigar on the boat. I’ve really taken to watching…