• Blog,  Winnipesaukee

    Just hanging out on Lake Winnipesaukee

    For us, there is no better way to spend our time than hanging around the lake. We had some new doors installed and they needed to be painted.  Some sort of a dark brownish grey.  Looks almost black in the photo, but they’re not.  Matches our screen/storm doors. I had to run back to the office – I replaced a few door knobs upstairs so they would match downstairs.  I only got around to doing three of them, and with two left to do, I let the Mrs do the other two.  I told her she would fumble a bit but would figure it out.  This is the story I…

  • Blog,  Geocaching,  Hiking,  Winnipesaukee

    Memorial Day Weekend Hike

    Sunday the family decided it would be a good day to go for a hike.  By family I mean my wife.  I’m up for about anything and our daughter, well, she allows us to drag her along.  It started with a sour face but got better as the hike went on. Today we decided to hike up Belknap mountain. It is rated an Easy hike by the Family Hike page found here:  http://nhfamilyhikes.com/hikes.php?hike=Belknap%20Mountain But I call BS on that.   Is the trail challenging?  No.  I’ve been on hikes where I need both hands and feet.  This was a nice trail but the trail was straight up!  I was wiped out by…