Cigar Reviews,  Cigars


One of my enjoyments is heading out and having a cigar in my cigar shack out back.

I’ll bring out a beer, a cigar – back up cigar – turn on the heater in winter, turn on the air filter and sit back and watch Vimeo while enjoying (usually) a cigar.

Tonight we gave the Dunbarton Tobacco and Trust Umbagog cigar a try. It’s a small boutique tobacco company run by the former head of Drew Estate cigars Steve Saka.

The cigar itself is well built and very dark. Smells of hay and a sweetness I just couldn’t place. I was excited to light this up. To my dismay the draw was more than tough. Almost too much. I cleared the plug to make the draw better with a poker.

The taste was peppery with heavy leather mouth feel. There was a strong dark and almost burnt aftertaste. I paired I with a Guinness which was the absolutely right choice. Yet there was something about the cigar that I came to realize I wasn’t going to fully enjoy it. Since I only get out once a week, maybe twice to have a cigar I put this one down.

I tried Steve, but this just isn’t the cigar for me… had to put it down and more to my back up Padron 2000

I have a couple of the Miranda de Saka cigars and will let those age a bit and try those. I have other Umbagogs in the humidor and will let those age and go back and try them down the road.

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