
Eating to Lose Weight

Now that I have time on my hands, and my knee has 90% recovered from surgery, I no longer have any excuses to lose the excess weight I have been lugging around. We all know that all along they were just excuses, but darn it, they were good ones. Too busy, can’t exercise, etc.

Yet now I no longer have any excuse. Void of any excuse the only thing I can do is to eat better. So here I am eating my eggs and drinking black coffee as I write this.

The black coffee really isn’t all that bad. You quickly get used to it. The eggs are wonderful and are covered in tobasco sauce so it wakes my taste buds up.

I find that the Keto diet works best for me. My body reacts best to it and I don’t feel as if I’m practicing to become a rabbit. Plus I don’t mind eating the same food over and over. I mix it up now and then, but not often.

Right now my day consists of:


Two Egg Pucks

I’m honestly not sure what else to call them. They are basically egg frittatas baked in a muffin tin with sautéed onion and green pepper as the filling with a dash of cheddar cheese on top. I then pop them out of the tins and put them into bags and have them in the freezer. Reheat in the microwave and enjoy.

I usually spend one day a week dedicated to meal prep in which I prepare all my meals.


6 oz of chicken (a standard small chicken breast) marinaded in lemon and garlic and cooked on the grill.

Cup of broccoli roasted in the oven with light oil and spices.

That’s it.

Reheating tip: Chicken and broccoli together, 2 minutes and 30 seconds at 80% power. Perfection. I will then cut up the chicken, add on my hot sauce and sprinkle on some ranch dressing powder. This will give it that extra flavor I crave.


Dinner is where I will mix it up as needed. Right now I’m having pulled pork on those street taco corn tortillas. The tortillas are only 60 calories for two of them and still only 12 grams of carbs in total.

The pulled pork has been slow cooked, pulled apart, and I usually add a keto type bbq sauce on it (from Primal Kitchen), this weeks is the Korean BBQ

Other options are zucchini noodles in sauce with chicken, chicken on salad green with a light drizzle of vinagrette. Best to keep it simple and repetitive so you can keep track of your calories and intake easier.



Don’t bother will all this online crap. I really can’t stand it and while they might work for a while, you should really log it with pen and paper. Buy yourself a nice notebook. On the front page pre-write down the dates and keep track of your weight loss progress. Heck I even go as far as charting it on a plot with dots and I draw the lines.

On the inside pages, write your food log, weight, notes about the day, tips and tricks your learning, etc. Keep it out somewhere so you won’t forget about it.

I find that doing it manually is better for my overall motivation.

Good luck with your journey and good luck to me on mine.

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