
Got Out on the Ice Finally!

A friend called me up and said: Andy the ice is amazing you need to get out here!

It was a Tuesday and I’ve learned from past experiences that you take the time to sneak out whenever the ice is good. So lunch came and I left the office to go visit some friends and their iceboats along with all my iceboating gear.

DN Iceboats

I regretfully didn’t have time to go grab my iceboat out of my basement. Just didn’t have that much of a head’s up, but folks graciously let me jump in and go. The last thing I heard Larry say before I he pushed me off in Pierre’s DN was: “You remember how to sail this right?”

To be honest, it has been a few years since I’ve gone. Name the excuse: Too busy, bad ice, too much snow, too much work, etc, etc.

So as I said earlier, you take the chance when you can.

I’m Sailing!!! – What about Bob
What an amazing day to be on the ice

The blue sky was bright, the sun was warm enough that you didn’t need to hide your face while out on the ice. The wind was just right also… Not too strong. You want to enjoy, not hold on for dear life.

Thank you Pierre to letting me steal your DN for a while and enjoy! Hope to have mine out of deep storage for next year.

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