
Homebrewing – Chocolate Milk Stout

It’s been a good long time since I’ve made a good home brewed beer. I used to love making it, but it was also easier when I had folks that drank all I could make. Back in college I made over 100 gallons one year. Hundred and five to be exact. It was because I could… and because the legal limit was 100, so being in college and being me, that extra 5 was to show the man he couldn’t contain me.

I had a few new home brew toys that have gone unused and unloved for too long. I went online to a supply shop and picked up something that I knew I would enjoy: A chocolate milk stout.

This one in particular is called the Muddy Cow Chocolate Milk Stout

Muddy Cow Chocolate Milk Stout

The girls were gone for the weekend so it was easy to just do it on the stove top and smell up the house. I knew I wouldn’t mind.


With the wort boiling and adding all the LME and DME (types of Malt Extract – Liquid and Dry to be exact), I then added the hops and boiled for 45 minutes, added the milk sugars and continued for another 15 minutes.

I added it to my new carboy. It’s plastic, so… Not my favorite, but has a handy vessel at the bottom to collects all the spent yeast aka the lees.

I like that.

Home Brew Carboy

I filled the airlock with bourbon. No idea why, but just did. I also put the home brew into my basement green house which I emptied out and brought any plants up stairs. It’s warm enough during the days now, and turned down the thermostat to a 64 – 68 degree range for the brew.

As of 2/21/21 the yeast has taken off and the airlock is purring away nicely. I should have a drink in two weeks, with three weeks worth of bottle conditioning after that unless I wish to keg it.

I’m thinking bottles.

I’ll try and keep this going by getting another home brew batch going once this one is cleaned and ready to go again!

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