
Horse Show Season

Horse shows mean early mornings, long before the sun rises we are at the barn, trailer in tow, and getting ready to be at the event for 7:00 am.

The best part is that we get to see some spectacular views of the sun rise around the barn

Sunrise reflection on the horse trailer
Looking through the barn

We tend to be there for most of the day. Usually find ourselves leaving at 3:00 in the afternoon. In years past when the events were more full I’ve been known to unload the horse at 6:00 – now that is a long day.

Prepping for the day is key. A book, a phone charger (battery pack, since my truck needs to be running to charge anything), some chairs, food, drinks, and my cameras. I’m no professional photographer, far from it, but I would like to think what I do is better than the parents taking vertical video on their phones.

Jumping 2’9″
Peyton and Maddy
Dressage Salute

I will also take some photos of the other kids at the barn or usually whomever’s horse is also in our trailer and in my truck. The kids want to post themselves on their media pages and getting a good photo of yourself in any sport is a hard thing to do.

I get it. I’m usually the one behind the camera so I have plenty of photos of everyone else, but very little of myself.

Season is winding down and States will be coming up at the end of the month. Fingers crossed for a good showing!

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