
Last Day on the Water

All good things must come to an end and this year on the water was no exception. Had a great time on the boat, swimming, toasting, cigars, and relaxing.

Cheers! Glass of Wine

The last warm day was upon us. 77 degrees, sun, and mid-week. So we both left work early for a mid-day boat ride and sitting at one of our favorite spots.

I opened up a new box of cigar and relaxed

Enjoying a cohiba cigar

I’d love to post something more profound, as if some new revelation happened, but no… We just sat in the sun and got as much vitamin D as we could until the sun went down behind the horizon.

The view was amazing

My view – I did say it was amazing

We also decided to go for a swim one last time.

To say the water was cold would be a slight understatement. It was as if the lake was now spring fed and the icy coldness was everywhere. I jumped in first. I was told to just go in slow by the Mrs., but I ended up jumping right in. Definitely better that way.

Cat decided she wasn’t going to be outdone so jumped in also.


She had to one up me and swam to a near by rock

Standing on a rock in the icy cold water

Eventually all good thing had to come to an end. By now the boat will have been winterized and put away. Prepping for winter is paramount at this point. But the summer memories will last for a while and this day was no exception

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