Decided to sneak out on a Saturday Evening to get out on the lake and enjoy what might be some of the last warm weather of the year. The water was still warm enough to swim. The kind of water that was cold when you first touch it, but your body becomes used to it and eventually it feels warm. That was this night.
We anchored out around Fish island and I was able to do a little fishing – Not one bite sadly.
Eventually we relaxed with a couple of drinks
And sat back and watched the sunset
As the temperature dropped, we would don our sweatshirts and enjoy the cool night air until it was time to put on the boat’s lights and head back in.
I would say that I didn’t get out on the lake enough this year: combination of poor weather (cold and/or wet) and just being busy trying to do other things.
Here is to hoping we get one more good weekend before the year is out!