30 Day - No Purchase Challenge,  Money

Next 30 Days, You Can’t Buy a Non-essential… Can You Do It?

My annual self-imposed no purchase for 30 days. 

It falls roughly sometime between September 15th to October 15th.

I figured this time of year works best because there are no major holidays, no reasons to really go out and buy things. School shopping is over and Halloween isn’t here.  I also find that no one is really Christmas shopping yet either.

Making this the perfect time to not buy a damn thing and honestly to see if it can be done.

Rules of the Game:

This is personal, not family related. Go family if you want to play on the hardcore level only. The rest of us are doing it just personally!

  • Of course you can buy food. Grocery shopping is a must, but going out to dinner is a no no.  So buying items at the grocery store is allowed
  • You’re not allowed to spend a $ outside of what’s needed. So that means you buy coffee at the grocery store and make it at home, not at your local coffee shop or gas station. You brown bag your lunch if you eat out for lunch at work. Nor do I care that eBay has a discount.  There is no buying that eBay item that you know you don’t really need.

Exception to the grocery store rule: Vices. No purchasing items such as cigarettes, lottery tickets or even *gasp* alcohol. Remember, we’re trying to SAVE money!

That’s it!

Remember, it’s only for 30 days! You can do this!

It’s a neat exercise in finding out what you can live with and without… Also helps people realize that you don’t need to buy items for enjoyment and happiness. 

I’m personally going to start this today, Monday 9-17-2018. Let’s see if I can do it this year.

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