It’s here! After a few years of waiting my Trident showed up and is ready to use.
OpenROV started many years back with a build your own underwater drone aka Remote Operated Vehicle. It was slow and cobbled together with easy to purchase parts.
Now when I said you needed to put it together, I wasn’t kidding. It showed up like this:

Of course that showed up back in 2012 – or at least that’s when I started putting it together. I never finished. The parts needed to communicate with the surface I could no longer get, the parts kept changing and upgrading to new pieces, etc.
I suppose that should be expected with a Kickstarter Project where the early adopters are working to make it better and those of us caught in the middle are stuck trying to figure out which way to go, the original way, or the better but not fully tested way. The versions went from 1.1 to 2.6 in short order and in the confusion the project was pushed aside.
The same company, probably understanding that this was an issue, came out with a better version that came as one piece, ready to use.
The Trident

The unboxing:

It came in it’s own nice box, but since I purchased a hard case to go along with it, along with 100m of cable and a special controller.

To be honest, I’m quite excited to give this a try! I originally wanted to have these so my daughter could hang out on the boat and explore the lake bottom and enjoy the excitement of being underwater without actually going underwater. She’s never shown a willingness to try scuba diving, despite me wishing she would, but kids find their own passions. Horses are hers.
Not sure when and where I will be able to give this a try first, but I’m hoping soon and I’m hoping to do some exploring on the wrecks found around Lake Winnnipesaukee!