• Winnipesaukee

    Enjoying the Sunset

    Took a day to head out on the lake and enjoy what we could of the sunset. It was mostly overcast and cool and the clouds were heavily rolling in but I could tell that the west was staying clear so I made the decision to stay out until it went down and I’m so glad I did! Our patience was rewarded with a bright orange sky that looked as if it was on fire. The swirling clouds played with the sunlight and we just sat back and took it all in. It’s a couple days later now as I write this on my back deck, in the dark, dog…

  • Hiking

    First Hike Since Knee Surgery

    Finally felt good enough to brave a small hike up Lockes Hill in Gilford, NH. Felt a little weak on the way back down but that was due to the lack of use and exertion, not because the knee was bad. Felt fine the next day. Just need to do more stretching and balance exercises most likely. Even took Carl up to the top as he was up for the task also! With some more exercise I hope to be off to battle larger hills in the future and then back to the mountains. I still have the Ossipee Mountain Range to finish!

  • Fitness

    Eating to Lose Weight

    Now that I have time on my hands, and my knee has 90% recovered from surgery, I no longer have any excuses to lose the excess weight I have been lugging around. We all know that all along they were just excuses, but darn it, they were good ones. Too busy, can’t exercise, etc. Yet now I no longer have any excuse. Void of any excuse the only thing I can do is to eat better. So here I am eating my eggs and drinking black coffee as I write this. The black coffee really isn’t all that bad. You quickly get used to it. The eggs are wonderful and…

  • Photography

    Capturing the Hummingbirds

    Installed an old hummingbird feeder and filled it with a 3:1 sugar to water solution. A few hours later I had my first visitor and then more quickly showed up as word got out about a new saloon in town catering to the hummingbird type. I quickly got my D5600 and snapped a few photos. Maybe tomorrow I can try again while they are in the sun and I can put the ISO down and get a few sharper images but as of right now I’m quite content with the outcome.

  • 35mm,  Blog,  Photography

    Burned Looking Film

    I just developed my latest roll of film and it came out burnt looking. It really is the best way to describe it. What happened was that one side of the film got caught in the camera or in the developing wheel (I used a lab box, not a manual spooling method) and with the bent over end it did not spool correctly. This left the film touching itself and sticking to itself so the developer liquid could not contact the surface to correctly develop the film. This is that result. Many good shots were lost, but a few were salvaged and have that interesting light leak look. To avoid…