• Maple Syrup Production

    Trees are Tapped!

    The 2022 Maple Syrup Season as begun! You can follow along with my Yearly Production Page and log. Been keeping that page going since 2018. With snow still on the ground, the days are getting into the high 30’s and the nights below freezing. We will have a good cold snap coming this weekend and I was going to hold off until after the cold snap (below 20 for a few days, even during the day) but decided to throw caution to the wind and collect some sap. Good choice! As soon as I tapped the trees, the sap was flowing. Going to be a great collection the next day…

  • Blog

    New Camera!

    Not much to report…. Just picked up a new to me Nikon D5600 It’s about 5 years old, so new to me, and a big upgrade from my D60 that I’ve had for 15+ years. Can’t wait to take some photos with it

  • Blog

    My New Favorite Show

    There is a show on Netflix called “Meat Eater” and I just can’t get enough of it. It’s a hunting show, and before this, I’ve never watched one. First and foremost the places and scenery are just amazing and that truly amounts for 2/3’s of the show. About 5 minutes is the actual taking down of the animal and butchering… Leaving nothing to the imagination, so not for the squeamish! Then the last bit is cooking and how to prepare the game. Fantastic stuff. Currently the dog and I just sit and watch the show on the couch but the show has me back wanting to go hunting again. I…

  • Blog

    No Tapping Yet

    The weather turned sour and snowing tonight and into tomorrow. Going to push my tapping off until Wednesday or nest weekend. Most likely next weekend.

  • Blog,  Running

    Another Sunday Raceday

    5 degrees and we get in the car and head out for a road race. I won’t be racing today due to a knee injury and Carl is staying home because it is just too damn cold for him. While we all just tried to stay warm, the announcer spoke about the course, other races, and then the National Anthem played. Soon Cat was off! She started off great and was back quick enough to win the overall female prize. So congratulations on being number one! Going to nurse my knee and here is to hoping I make the next one with carl in a couple of weeks!