So I starting running again. I’ve always hated it. It’s just not for me, yet I do it as it’s the most efficient way to get exercise for me where I live. The roads and hills are not conducive to biking. There are no side walks, no shoulders on the road, nothing but hills everywhere you look. You take your life in your own hands biking. I do own a mountain bike and keep it up north at my house by the lake. I’m hoping to do more activities with it up there, but back home I’m relegating to weightlifting and jogging.
Saturday I ran a couple miles on the treadmill. I could have done more, but thankfully didn’t. Legs were sore and feet were sore. Took aspirin and ran another two miles the next day. I’ll do weights tonight. A foot doctor diagnosed me with plantar fasciitis, but they’re just not getting completely better. Time to get off my butt, stop gaining weight for the lack of exercise and just push through it. Once the weight is down, I’m sure the issues will go away.
I have a nice full body workout lifting regimen so will get back on track with that. I’m far from the 1000 lb club I used to be in (lifting a combined 1000 lbs in bench, squat, deadlift) and it’s been one injury after another since then. 3 years later I’m overweight and out of shape.
But I’ve done it before and I just lacked the motivation. That has found its way back into me recently.