
Whiteface Mountain – Success!

On Mother’s day, we successfully summited Whiteface Mountain. Last time we had to turn back half way due to an oncoming thunderstorm which we just barely beat as we ran down and made it to the car.

This time, I’m happy to report, we did not run into such impediments.

Snow could still be seen on either side of the trail
Winter weather had taken its toll on the trail
This is as far as we got the last time!

We made it to the place we were forced to turn around last time and kept on going.

The day was cold and windy. We were warm enough with the correct clothing and gloves. The sun did eventually come out and while the wind did not die down, the sun was a welcomed reprieve.

The trail at the piper/whiteface split went from a nice hiking trail to a trail that you could tell was traveled by many a motorized vehicle. We dodged and went around lots of mud puddles. It was a bit annoying to say the least, but the end result was worth it.

View from the top
The Belknap Range
My AllTrails Map

While at the top we decided to check out our Geocaching app and see what was around. Sure enough, one was right on top. I looked at the comments and it had not been found in a while and was marked DNF (Did Not Find) many many times.

We searched a bit for it and while we were right on with the GPS coordinates, we also could not find it. We then expanded our search pattern and behold

Geocache Found – She’s so happy to have found it
Geocache Found!
Filling out the log book

We stayed a little longer and took our photos and headed back down. Near the bottom and on the left side (coming down) there is an old run down cabin that is only being held up by a standing tree.

Run Down Cabin

Upon closer inspection, someone thought they were funny…. And they were.

We’re not in Kansas anymore Toto

Overall rating is a thumbs up and would recommend this hike to folks. Whiteface is the smallest (in altitude) of the Belknap range and also one of the shorter distance hikes. Rated as moderate, that is pretty accurate. Never needed to stop and catch my breath, but some of the areas were steep and rocky and if wet could be slippery.

Definitely a great mountain to hike and catch the sunrise.

That ends this saga of part 2. Glad we were able to make it. Now on to Rand, Rowe, and Quarry to finish up the range!

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