A while back I saw a post on an instagram feed where this guy put a motorcycle on his mantle above his fireplace. To be fair, it was really on top of the stone work, all lit up and looked like a bachelor pad any guy would love to own.
I asked my wife how come we don’t have my motorcycle inside as I walked around the house looking for a place to put it.
To no one’s surprise, she said in a diplomatic way that it probably wouldn’t be the best idea.
Dejected but not deterred, I went about my day.
Well today I asked again… I didn’t get no either.
Of course she wasn’t home and on a business trip but it wasn’t a no!!
I called a friend and in went the motorcycle!

It was at this moment my daughter mentioned that this is the corner where we keep our Christmas tree. Of course Santa is going to want a place to put his presents… Therefore we made it appropriate for Christmas

The Mrs. comes home tonight. She’ll be so surprised!