
You are your most prized possession!

We all collect things. I think that is human nature. Items we deem are rare and valuable. We loom for them, spend lots of money on those trinkets, and care for them… Even display them.

But how are you treating yourself?

I find myself in this predicament. I’ve been working very hard at work with the transfer of ownership, working around the house, as I get put in a new brick walkway, working to make sure my daughter who cannot drive yet it’s getting where she needs to be and burning the candle at both ends as I stay up late and get up early.

I have collections of guns, watches, coins, etc. I clean, take care of them, and look for items I don’t own.

I spend time searching for a rental house to purchase, but never pull the trigger.

Yet I find very little time for my health.

You are your most valuable asset!

When you really think about it, you are your most valuable asset. Everything would be worthless, or at least meaningless, without you.

I take hikes as a document here and I go for walks and do a lot of outdoor activities but I’ve really fallen off on concentrating on myself. Dont get me wrong, I’m healthy, but I’m overweight and out of shape if I had to be honest.

So I’m going to take a slight detour on my finance and adventure blogging, which I will still do, but I will also start chronicling my fitness journey and healthy food journey.

So please do not be surprised when you see a bunch of pose that may be far too honest about my weight, my exercise routine, food and recipes I want to keep.

I think recipes only because I followed one online and made my own Manning, I know I’m a little hard, but it called for far too much garlic and I knew it I had it figured that everyone was raving about it it must be good. It is good but the recipe it all wrong or at least could be a whole lot better.

So watch for those posts starting tomorrow and I have a big money update article I’ve been working on that should be posted by the end of the week.

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